post lenght

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7/29/2019 10:46:29 AM
Total Posts 159

post lenght

I think it would be very useful to have a way to limit the length of posts and also titles for the forum and for the blog. Is it possible to implement it in the next release?

12/27/2019 12:18:17 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: post lenght

Hi Massi,

We'll look at this for a future release. I can understand it being useful in the forum but not really the blog because posting in the blog is for trusted users. We can look at both though.


12/27/2019 12:29:09 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: post lenght

of course joe ... i understand very well .. it can be fine even on the forum. it's fine. however, it is a feature that I would need, if possible

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