download count on shared files

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6/16/2019 5:13:05 PM
Total Posts 159

bug on shared files


I noticed that on the shared file module, if it is set so as not to show the number of downloads to all users, it is also shown to everyone. this happens if a module is inserted now in the last release. while it works correctly on the modules inserted before the last release.

6/17/2019 3:45:15 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: bug on shared files

Hi Massi,

I'm not seeing this on the demo site. To be sure I'm understanding your problem.

1) you add a new shared files module to a page.

2) you disable the "Show Download Count To All Users?" option. It's default is disabled, by the way.

3) everyone, logged in or not, sees the download count?

Is that right?

6/18/2019 11:17:13 AM
Total Posts 159

Re: bug on shared files

I noticed that if a page is set to be modified by a certain role, for example staff in my case. staff members can see the number of downloads. while instead I would like to see it only myself and only set the module. if the page is forced to be modified only by the admin, the staff members do not see the number of downloads. asks if this is normal behavior or is it a bug?

6/18/2019 2:16:51 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: download count on shared files

Yes, this is normal behavior. If a role is set to be able to manage a module, they can do anything with that module.

We might add a feature to allow setting roles that can see the download count. I'm moving this thread to the feature requests forum to keep track of that request.


6/19/2019 2:50:40 PM
Total Posts 159

Re: download count on shared files

ok Joe thanks a lot

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