recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

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2/27/2019 12:23:27 PM
Total Posts 7

recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

Incredible,what bad design mojo portal has. I tried to dele my last post, and seems I deleted all posts. The pages are still there but all the posts dissapeared. How can I restore all my posts ? table in SQL , how to manage in admin, as content manager only show the pages not the posts

HORRIBLE the bad design of mojo, I maded click to edit on top of page then delete, but this actiopns didnt correspond to posts

What Can I Do thanks ?

2/27/2019 12:57:00 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

Do we lost all content from the last 7 years !!

check and letme know


Settings Edit 


what does that mean

2/27/2019 1:10:03 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

PLEASE, LET ME NOW, if not possible to recover restore all posts. LT ME KNOW HOW TO CREATE A NEW BLOG AGAIN !! 

the docs are horrible, people asking and webmaster redirecting to docs,bad docs


let me know how to start a new blog and add posts to our web so tat I can recover from

2/27/2019 1:18:20 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

First, there aren't any features where deleting a single post deletes all posts of a module.

Second, it sounds like you removed your blog content module from the page it was on. Due to the good design of mojoPortal, this doesn't delete the blog or its posts, it just removes it from mojoPortal. To "recover",  follow these instructions:

  1. go to the Content Manager
  2. Select "Blog" and "Filter by Feature", then click the "Find" button. You don't need to put anything in the "Title Contains" box.
  3. You will then see all blog module instances for your site listed. Find the one with "Blog (0)" in the Type column and click the "Publish/Delete" link.
  4. You will see a list of pages, find the page the blog is supposed to be on. You need to put it back on the same page or you will have problems with all of your friendly URLs.
  5. Once the correct page is located, click the dash circle button in the "Published" column. You can then select the Published checkbox and click Save/Update.
  6. Your Blog will be back on the correct page.

Third, if the instructions don't work, you need to restore a database backup, provide us with more information on what you did exactly, or purchase a help ticket.

Finally, I will be editing your posts to remove your foul language. We are very interested in providing a good CMS and good support to our users. We are not interested in helping people who cuss at us or treat us poorly. This is the only warning I will give you.

Thank you,

2/27/2019 1:30:03 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design


2) Select "Blog" and "Filter by Feature", then click the "Find" button. You don't need to put anything in the "Title Contains" box.

I see:


[no title]Blog (1)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

[no title]Blog (1)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

[no title]Blog (0)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

Motivo de denúnciaBlog (0)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...


3) You will then see all blog module instances for your site listed. Find the one with "Blog (0)" in the Type column and click the "Publish/Delete" link.

which one ?


4)You will see a list of pages, find the page the blog is supposed to be on. You need to put it back on the same page or you will have problems with all of your friendly URLs.

I dont know "find the page the blog is supposed to be on"



[no title]Blog (1)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

[no title]Blog (1)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

[no title]Blog (0)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...

Motivo de denúnciaBlog (0)AdminView/Edit...Publish/Delete...








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2/27/2019 1:34:32 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design



None of the blogs show me the posts of all the last years, only fro the beggining (2012) no from say 2018, 2017

2/27/2019 1:37:09 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design


I understand you are upset but you need to take a deep breath and proceed carefully. If you keep going at this the way you are, you are going to end up making another mistake and causing yourself more trouble. 

I will help you recover your blog, but you need to calm down.

It'll be one of the ones with Blog(0) in the Type column. I don't know which one because it's not my site and I don't manage it. As the blog is a rather complex module, with friendly urls, you can't see it's content without it being on a page. So, publish one to the page and then visit the page. If the content isn't right, Unpublish it from the page and publish the other one.


2/27/2019 1:40:26 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

Hi again,

Looking at the category links for that page in, it looks like the module id for the blog you are trying to recover is 7. Hover over the "Publish/Delete" links and when you see the one with a link containing "mid=7", you will have the correct blog instance.


2/27/2019 1:47:21 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

6,12,17,15, there is no one with id7, no one with mid=7

2/27/2019 1:49:03 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

It looks like you actually deleted it then, and didn't just remove it from the page. 

You need to restore from a database backup. You have a database backup, don't you?


2/27/2019 2:08:42 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design


I know you're upset about this but there isn't a problem or bad design in mojoPortal. You accidentally deleted the module containing your posts. The Module Settings page is where you deleted it from and that page looks much different from the post edit page. Further, when pressing the delete button, you were prompted if you wanted to delete the content "from all pages". 

Knowing all of this, would you please remove the very derogatory post you put on your website about mojoPortal. It isn't true and is not fair. We provide this CMS free of charge and it works very well for thousands of websites. It has done so for over a decade. In fact, the version of mojoPortal you have installed was released 7 years ago and if you were to upgrade today, it would still work fine, just with more features.

I hope you will delete your post deriding mojoPortal.


2/27/2019 2:20:20 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

and no way to restore ? why you didnt programmed so that simple a field in DB like IsDeleted, to be able to recover. Too bad, we lost a lot of work , due to bad design

Now we will need toonvest too much time, again bad design

2/27/2019 2:36:17 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

That's what a database backup is for. You don't have a database backup, that's bad planning on your part. Not ours.


2/27/2019 3:49:31 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

Alejandro I would support Joe's suggestion that your remarks above are unjustified, offensive and derogatory. He has tried hard to help you after your mistake. The post you have recently put on is disgraceful. 

If you really have no database backup in seven years of running a website then you are not competent to make such accusations - that would be like saying BMW make bad cars because you drove yours into a tree when you were drunk. Or because the engine broke after you didn't put any oil in for 7 years. No, it is your mistake entirely, and you probably deserve legal action for your recent blog post, though I suspect Joe is too kind to consider such things.

I do not feel inclined to help you after what you have said and posted, but...  if your lost blog was public, then you will find that all posts have been indexed and archived by Google/Bing, and it should be easy to recover your content from there.


2/28/2019 11:34:08 AM
Total Posts 159

Re: recover all post deleted by accident by bad mojo portal design

hi, I read the discussion a bit,

I think the crispin post represents my thought. First of all, the advice I give you , I work as a programmer is to stay calm. mojoportal is really well done and in my opinion is the best cms to date, much superior and versatile than many other more known. believe me it's really well done.

the fact is that a minimum of standards of behavior is required when managing a site. backups are at the base of everything. periodically they must be backed up just because something goes wrong. or by competence, or for human and non-human errors.
accusing mojoportal of being unlucky is really like accusing a car if it breaks because it does not do maintenance. if you have not made a backup it is not the fault of anyone, let alone mojoportal or those who designed and built it.
mojoportal I can assure you that he does his duty in an excellent way, therefore, he avoids accusing.
I'm sorry if I may have looked, hard, but it's my thought, and I come in defense of mojoportal.

we are trying to help you ...

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