Should a Draft page be accessible?

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7/26/2018 7:32:29 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Should a Draft page be accessible?

More of a question than a bug report - it may or may not be regarded as a bug!

Make a page Draft removes it from the menu, as the help link says ("You can mark a new page as a draft if it has only draft content on it. This will make it only appear in the menu for users in the Draft Edit Roles and roles that can approve the content."). It also hides it from the sitemap.

But I was surprised to find that the page is still accessible by URL, according to the page security applied. Is this by design? I was expecting to get a "page not found"/404 unless in the Draft Edit Roles or roles that can approve the content. 

7/27/2018 4:46:42 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Should a Draft page be accessible?

Hi Crispin,

This is by design. Basically, the draft option is just a shortcut so one doesn't have to uncheck all of the other checkboxes for "hiding" a page. It wasn't meant to secure the page, just hide it from people who don't have the link.

I'm sure there is a less ambiguous term for this functionality. We'll give it some thought.

As a side note, we're working on a lot of changes to the Page Settings page to make things easier to understand and find. If you think of a better name for this option, let me know. 


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