Unclickable pages on mobile

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2/25/2018 1:03:53 PM
Total Posts 47

Unclickable pages on mobile

Hi All.

May be you already solved this issue, that I cannot solve.

I have a root page with 3 (the number is not really important) child pages. The root page has nothing in it, it is necessary only to gather the childs, consequently it is marked Unclickable.

On desktops it works fine, but the menu is stuck when on mobile. Nothing works. I see the + sign that I have child pages, but I cannot open the + and navigate the site

I know I can redirect the root page on a child one and "overcome" the problem, but I cannot choose one of my child pages to redirect. Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance







2/26/2018 11:29:52 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Unclickable pages on mobile

Hi Mari,

Unclickable menu items is not recommended because it leads to issues like this and it makes browsing your site more difficult. You also miss out on an important opportunity to show the relationship between those sub-pages using a "disambiguation" page which will help with SEO.

We always suggest having any page you would like to set to "unclickable" be a landing page with each of the sub-pages listed out with descriptions. See these pages for examples:

In the very least, I suggest adding the Child Page Site Map to the page so when people manage to get to the page, they will be able to see what pages exist under it.

I hope this helps.


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