Strange HTML panel behaviour

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12/5/2017 8:50:04 AM
Total Posts 66

Strange HTML panel behaviour

I have created a new site at using Artisteer and the Mojoportal export tool.

If you look on the Art Deco page you will see a HTML content block at the top, with an Image Gallery lower down.

Can anyone tell me why there is such a large gap between the two items?  I would like the gallery to show just below the introductory test, but can't seen to find what is causing the huge gap.

12/5/2017 9:50:03 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Strange HTML panel behaviour

Hi Chris,

Your Artisteer skin has some Javascript that is trying to ensure the content in the middle pane is as tall as the browser window. It's doing this to push the footer to the bottom of the browser window when there's not a lot of content on the site. The problem is that this javascript is being applied to all .art-content divs. I found this on line 520 of the script.js file. I think you might be able to make some changes to your file and the layout.master file to fix this while maintaining Artisteer's intended purpose for the script.

First, open the file and find the <portal:OuterWrapperPanel... control. Remove art-content from the CssClass property.

Next, within the layout.master file, find the <portal:LayoutPanel... control with ID="divCenter". Enter <div class="art-content"> directly before the <asp:ContentPlaceHolder... control within this LayoutPanel. Next, enter </div> directly after the closing </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> within this same LayoutPanel.

This should take care of the problem for you. There are better ways to do what Artisteer is doing, without script, but that would take a lot more work and in the end it would be easier to start with our Framework skin and customize it to look like your Artisteer theme.

I hope this helps,

12/6/2017 5:31:28 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Strange HTML panel behaviour


Thanks for the prompt reply, but I cannot find the tags you list in the file

I have zipped the skin files and put the zip on the site at



12/6/2017 12:20:34 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Strange HTML panel behaviour

The OuterWrapperPanel control starts on line 95 of your

I should've typed layout.master instead of for the second step in my instructions. I'll fix that. The layoutPanel you're looking for in that file starts on line 65.


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