Mojo Membership with Roles

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10/28/2017 4:27:49 AM
Total Posts 12
Ramesh Menta

Mojo Membership with Roles

I have developed my own web application. I would like to use Mojo Membership with Roles in my project. I have been looking for solution to this in our forums but in vain. Please suggest how can i achieve this.

Thanks in advance.

10/29/2017 10:51:16 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Mojo Membership with Roles


You can use the roles and users in mojoPortal within your own modules fairly easily. The documentation is lacking on this and we'll probably use this post as a base for new docs.

There are several helper methods you can use to determine if a user is in a particular role or if they are in a role which has been assigned a system permission. These methods are in the mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.WebUser class.

  • bool IsInRole(string role)
    • Example: WebUser.IsInRole("Foo");
  • bool IsInRoles(string roles) 
    • Example: WebUser.IsInRoles("Foo;Bar;");
  • bool IsInRoles(IList roles)
    • Example:
      var roles = new List<String> { "Foo", "Bar" };
  • bool IsAdmin
  • bool IsContentAdmin
  • bool IsContentPublisher
  • bool IsContentAuthor
  • bool IsRoleAdmin
  • bool IsNewsletterAdmin
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdmin
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdminOrContentAuthor
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdminOrContentPublisher
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdminOrContentPublisherOrContentAuthor
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdminOrRoleAdmin
  • bool IsAdminOrRoleAdmin
  • bool IsAdminOrContentAdminOrRoleAdminOrNewsletterAdmin
  • bool IsAdminOrNewsletterAdmin
  • bool HasEditPermissions(int siteId, int moduleId, int pageId)

Any page which inherits from mojoBasePage should also be able to use the following methods:

  • UserCanViewPage()
  • UserCanViewPage(int moduleId)
  • UserCanViewPage(int moduleId, Guid featureGuid)
  • UserCanEditModule()

Finally, SiteSettings has several site permission strings available that can be used with the WebUser methods to determine if a user has a particular Site Permission. These are just strings of roles (separated by semi-colon) so you can use WebUser.IsInRoles(siteSettings.RolesThatCanCreateUsers) to determine if the user is in a role defined by a particular permission.

  • SiteRootEditRoles
  • SiteRootDraftEditRoles
  • SiteRootDraftApprovalRoles
  • CommerceReportViewRoles
  • RolesThatCanCreateRootPages
  • RolesThatCanViewMemberList
  • RolesThatCanCreateUsers
  • RolesThatCanManageUsers
  • RolesThatCanViewMyPage
  • RolesThatCanLookupUsers
  • RolesNotAllowedToEditModuleSettings
  • RolesThatCanEditContentTemplates
  • GeneralBrowseAndUploadRoles
  • UserFilesBrowseAndUploadRoles
  • RolesThatCanDeleteFilesInEditor
  • RolesThatCanAssignSkinsToPages
  • RolesThatCanManageSkins
  • DefaultRootPageViewRoles
  • DefaultRootPageEditRoles
  • DefaultRootPageCreateChildPageRoles

I hope this helps. If you have questions, please ask.



10/29/2017 11:13:53 AM
Total Posts 12
Ramesh Menta

Re: Mojo Membership with Roles

Thanks Joe for speedy response. I will follow this...
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