i7 framework skin and artisteer

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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9/15/2017 7:37:18 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

i7 framework skin and artisteer

After 2 years of inactivity, I come back to mojoPortal with version
Lot of changes!
I discover the skin Framework that I like a lot because really responsive.
To create a custom copy of it, I expected use Artisteer v4.x, but I can't find the framework.artx to load from Artisteer.
Where can I find it or does exists a other graphic solution to customize it (pictures, size, colors, fonts, ...)
Without this, I can't create website for my customers...
Thanks in advance.

9/22/2017 1:27:21 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: i7 framework skin and artisteer

Hi Christian,

We don't have a solution for using Framework with Artisteer because Artisteer uses a lot of extra markup and all custom css. It doesn't play well with bootstrap or fontawesome, both of which are used heavily in Framework.

We can help you get going with Framework if you like though, just post here in the forum. Once we get the next release out, we'll focus on documenting Framework a bit more.


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