Maps not showing

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7/6/2017 8:51:09 AM
Total Posts 66

Maps not showing

I am setting up a website for a friend and currently have it set up as a site in a multi-site installation.  You can see it at

I created a skin using Artisteer and the Mojoportal skin exporter.  I have added maps, and locations to events in the events calendar, but the maps do not show, even though they work in other sites on the same installation.  Can anyone suggest why?

A copy of the skin files can be found here:

7/6/2017 10:48:45 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Maps not showing

Hi Chris,

Do the maps work when you are using any other skin?

Can you give me a link to a page containing a map that isn't working?


7/9/2017 1:12:54 PM
Total Posts 66

Re: Maps not showing


Sorry for the delay.

If I change skins, the maps still do not appear.

The following calendar event should be showing a map - I have added a location in the event settings:

The following page should have a map in the right hand column:



7/10/2017 10:22:14 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Maps not showing

Hi Chris,

We can't seem to replicate this issue on the demo site. Have you made any changes to the web.config or user.config that had to do with Google Maps or another Google API?

Do you have a Google Maps API key set in Site Settings > API Keys? If so, remove it and see if the maps work or not. The key hasn't been required for a very long time. I'm going to look at removing the option from the settings.


7/10/2017 12:52:30 PM
Total Posts 66

Re: Maps not showing


I don't have a Google API key set, and have added nothing to the web,config or user.config related to Google.

7/10/2017 3:07:31 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Maps not showing

Please complete our "Complementary Support" form with an admin login for the site so we can take a closer look at the settings on the site.


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