User impersonation

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6/22/2017 9:05:49 AM
Total Posts 60

User impersonation

For online stores it's common for an admin to be able to logon as one of their users to gain their identity (usually because the customer is making an order over the phone).  We have a client who would like to do the same thing - to make bookings (using our custom booking module) on behalf of their members.

Would it be possible to have this as an Admin option in Mojoportal?  It could take the form of an icon in the Administration panel.  I'm imagining you would need to have a "master switch" in user.config enable it as there are a number of reasons why people would not want this option on certain sites!



6/22/2017 9:27:00 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: User impersonation

Hi Ian,

I like this idea. I use it a lot in nopCommerce and I think I've even needed it mojo at some point in the past. GitHub Issue is here.

I'll add it to our list and see what we can do.


6/22/2017 9:36:11 AM
Total Posts 60

Re: User impersonation

That's great news - thanks!


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