Enable Logo in skin

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4/12/2017 8:14:49 PM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Enable Logo in skin

I try to use the info here:


to include a logolist in the framework-3.3.7 I use on my site, but i cant find the menu LogoList under site setting.

Any suggestions?

4/18/2017 4:35:29 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Enable Logo in skin

Hi Svein,

Line 7118 of the main.css file should be the line you need to remove.

Have you reset the skin version GUID? 


4/19/2017 3:05:56 AM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Re: Enable Logo in skin

Hi Joe,

Thank you for the response.

Now the logolist is visible after commented out this line. Thats good, but there is not possible to deselect any logofile, so I also uploaded a 1by1 pixel wide image to "deselect" the image file.

May be there should be a button to Select none?


Can you tell me where to enter/change data to align, position or scale the logo? Its now visible in the upper left corner, below the menuline. I would like to align the logo to the other content on the page below.


What do you mean With this: "Have you reset the skin version GUID?" Is it a button somewhere?

EDIT: I found this button in the config now. I did not use this before and I Guess it was a cache problem, because today I opened a browser on a New machine. Problem solved :-)

4/19/2017 12:14:10 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Enable Logo in skin

Hi Svein,

We will include a blank.gif file in the next release so people can choose to have no logo if their skin includes the logo option. That is the easiest solution.

To change the appearance of the logo you need to use CSS. You can add custom CSS to your skin by creating a style-site.css file in the skin folder and putting your CSS there. The class on the logo itself is sitelogo so if you wanted to add style to it you would add the following the style-site.css file. Once you have created your style-site.css file, edit the style.config file and remove the comments from around the line calling style-site.css (note, in future releases of mojoPortal and mojoSkins the style-site.css line will not be commented out).

.sitelogo {
  border: 1px solid purple; /* this is just an example */

To reset the Skin Version GUID, go to Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool and click the Reset Skin Version GUID button.

Hope this helps,

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