mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

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4/12/2017 4:24:20 PM
Total Posts 40

mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working


I've just upgraded to Mojoportal v2.5.0 & I've having an issue whereby the 'cog' settings icon in the new skins doesn't appear to be doing anything. I've tried in both Firefox & Internet Explorer, but the result is the same - nothing! I can get to the admin menu by typing the url (/Admin/AdminMenu.aspx), but I'm otherwise unable to see the menu.

Any suggestions?



4/13/2017 3:42:55 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Craig,

The menu is opened via script, maybe there's a script error from something else on the page that's preventing it from working? Can you view your developer console (f12 in most browsers) and see if there are any script errors showing? If there are, please post them here.

4/14/2017 2:54:06 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working


Thanks for the reply. If I look at the page source I have noticed to following duplication in a class name (admin-drawer__avatar):

<div class="admin-drawer__user">
	<a class="admin-drawer__avatar" href="/Secure/UserProfile.aspx" title="My Account" class="admin-drawer__avatar">
		<img width="40" height="40" src=";s=40&amp;" alt="Gravatar" />
	<span class='admin-drawer__name'>
		<a href='/Secure/UserProfile.aspx' title='My Account'>Admin</a>

Do you think that this might be the issue? I've tried copying skins from the mojoskins-1.0 folder to a couple of different installations & it's the same problem in both.

4/14/2017 9:54:21 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Craig,

That text will not cause this problem but we will fix it to only have the class once.

I noticed your site url in the markup you sent to us so I went to your site. There is a 500 Error being returned for the ScriptResource.axd call. This is more than likely the cause of the admin drawer not opening for you.

Is this a clean install of mojoPortal with the built-in web.config and user.config files? Have you made any changes to any configuration other than database connection information? Of course, it's okay if you have, we just need to know what settings have been changed so we can try to replicate the problem.

Joe D.

4/15/2017 8:05:23 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the reply. I've got two versions running on different domains (one a completely clean install & one an upgrade). The issue is the same with both sites, although the 'old style' admin bar works fine on older skins on the upgrade site.

In the web.config I've updated the machine key. I'm using Pipeten as my web host & due to issues that I had in the passed I have to omment out the <defaultDocument> section. I also have to amend the <system.xml.serialization> section to follow the format <xmlSerializer tempFilesLocation="H:\hshome\myaccount\\Data"/>.

Within the user.config, apart from the database connection, I have the following additions:

<add key="SMTPServer" value="" />

<add key="DisableSetup" value="true"/>

<add key="AllowForcingPreferredHostName" value="true" />

<add key="AllowChangingFriendlyUrlPattern" value="true" />


Where does the ScriptResource.axd reside? Is it a possibility that this is corrupt / missing?



4/18/2017 4:25:13 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Craig,

ScriptResource.axd is a file generated by .net for client side js routines for Ajax. The call to it is throwing a 500 error which means something happened on the server before we could even log it. If Pipeten can give you some clues, that would help.

If Pipeten is using medium trust for their shared hosting, your mileage may vary. Microsoft stopped supporting medium trust (Code Access Security) a while back (here and here). Also, Pipeten may not have updated .net in a while on your server. If they're still running .net 4, 4.5 or 4.5.1, they need to update because MS stopped supporting those in January 2016.

Over the years, many people have wasted many hours supporting Medium Trust shared hosting when the hosting providers only needed to configure their machines better to provide better security than medium trust provides.

I have a feeling that the trust level of your hosting is the problem with the ScriptResource.axd file not loading. The older admin bar working doesn't mean other things AJAX features of the site will work. If pipeten doesn't have full trust shared hosting you should look for a different host.

You can try removing parts of the new admin drawer to see if any particular thing is causing the problem. You can find the admin drawer in the includes folder of the skin you are using.


4/20/2017 5:08:25 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Thanks Joe.

I'll speak to Pipeten & see if I can get it resolved. I certainly remember having issues with Medium / Full Trust in the past, but I thought I'd been changed onto Full.

I'll let you know the outcome.



4/21/2017 6:37:12 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Joe,

I've heard back from Pipeten & they have confirmed that the .NET version my server is using (dwin41) is running .NET 4.6.1, with my own application pool running in Full Trust.

I have tried commenting out the <system.xml.serialization> section again (as per default web.config) and that doesn't seem to have made any difference (I think I added that when having problems in Medium Trust a few years ago). There again, looking at the System Log I see these entries:

2017-04-21 12:32:00,622 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Web.Global - Application Started.
2017-04-21 12:32:01,231 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - deserialized WebTaskManager task
2017-04-21 12:32:01,262 INFO (null) - (null) - (null) - mojoPortal.Web.WebTaskManager - Queued WebTaskManager on a new thread

Would the deserialized entry suggest I should revert to the extra serialization entry?


I also tried removing the comments around:

     <remove value="Default.aspx" />
     <add value="Default.aspx" />

However this seems to cause an error "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred".  Putting the extra comments back gets rid of the problem.


Neither bits of editing makes any difference to the Admin Cog working though...



4/21/2017 6:39:33 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Additionally, my server is running in Integrated mode with 32-bit application support.

4/21/2017 9:17:35 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Hi Craig,

I'm not sure what is going on here. The problem is not with the admin drawer or the cog button to open it but rather with whatever is causing the ScriptResource.axd call to result in a 500 error.

For us to help further, we will need access to your hosting account at PipeTen. Please complete this form to send us ftp credentials. You have been given access to this form for this thread only and access will be removed once we receive your FTP information.

Thank you,

4/22/2017 1:37:51 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: mojoskins - settings (cog) link not working

Thanks Joe, I've submitted the form.



Oops - just realised that you'll need a login account for the site. I've added a user with admin role using the same name / password as the temp FTP account. The registered email is the "username"@"the domain"



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