Stop Mobile Skin on Single Page

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6/8/2016 6:09:20 PM
Total Posts 9

Stop Mobile Skin on Single Page

We have a site-wide mobile skin. Can I stop the mobile skin from being applied to a single page? I made a custom skin for the single page.





6/8/2016 6:14:53 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Stop Mobile Skin on Single Page

Hi Ted,

Set this in your user.config:

<add key="MobileDetectionExcludeUrlsCsv" value="/name-of-page,/another-page"/>

Be sure to "touch" the web.config so the site will reload the user.config.

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

6/21/2016 1:25:26 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Stop Mobile Skin on Single Page

Hi Joe,

We tried this and it didn't work, it actually stopped the mobile skin on all pages. I'm wondering if this is a feature in a different version of Mojo than we're running. Or, maybe it's because we included ".aspx" in the value ... pehaps we should have written the value like /page-name instead of /page-name.aspx?

Thanks for the suggestion though.




6/21/2016 3:11:00 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Stop Mobile Skin on Single Page

I'm not sure when it was added to mojo.

What version of mojoPortal are you running?

The ".aspx" shouldn't have anything to do with it.

Joe D.

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