Trouble with security on GoDaddy

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5/10/2016 2:21:07 PM
Total Posts 1

Trouble with security on GoDaddy

I have encountered an issue on my Mojo site. When I go to upload a jpg it now errors with a Security error.

SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission ...

Reading the forums it appears to be a Trust issue that there is a quick fix for. Except the fix states to rename web.mediumtrust.config to web.config BUT I don't have the file on my site. I do have a web.Fulltrust.config but not the web.mediumtrust.config file.

This appears to be caused by NeatUpload but I have been using it as is for over 6 years with no issues. Perhaps GoDaddy changed a policy?

Would I be able to get someone to point me where I could get the web.mediumtrust.config file for my version?





5/19/2016 3:58:55 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Trouble with security on GoDaddy

Hi, is no longer available for download. If you upgrade to the latest version, NeatUpload isn't required.

If you can't upgrade, i7MEDIA can provide you with hosting that will run

Hope this helps,
Joe Davis

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