Last edited time for a draft is set to the server

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8/24/2015 3:27:24 PM
Total Posts 19

Last edited time for a draft is set to the server

Hey Joe,

I have noticed that when you have both "Force Content Versioning" and "Enable Content Workflow" in the Site Settings. You can then go into a HTML content feature and create a draft. When you go back in to view that draft, it will tell you the Content Status, Last Edit By, and Last Edit Time. That time is currently showing the server time and not the time zone time.


On the demo site, I checked to be sure that the time zone is set to GMT -05:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada). I also check to be sure that the user I'm using to edit the field has the same time zone setting. I will then go in to edit the field and create the draft at 4:04 PM. I will then edit the content field again and get the last edit time of "8/24/2015 8:04:45 PM". This is the correct day but its off by 4 hours. Could this be the server time and not the local time that is being shown? 

I am unable to add screenshots to this post but I was able to recreate this on the MojoPortal Demo site.

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