Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

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7/31/2015 2:55:44 AM
Total Posts 66

Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

I have just bought Form Wizard Pro and have installed to my site following the instructions contained within the zip file.

I copied the contents of the wwwroot folder to my site and then visited the Setup page - the messages I got seemed to show a successful installation - no error messages.

When I log in to my site, there is no form wizard in the available in the page options.  Have I done something wrong?

The details of my installation are as follows:

mojoPortal Version MSSQL
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
ASP.NET Info v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust
Server Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Server Local Time (GMT -7) 31/07/2015 00:50:42
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT/UTC)

7/31/2015 3:29:53 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

I have just realised that the documentation on the Form wizard page says I need to be running or higher, and I'm only on 2.4.04.

I'll upgrade my installation and see if that fixes the problem.

7/31/2015 7:19:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

installing an incomaptible version should result in an error on any page where you add Form Wizard, upgrading would solve that.

but since there is no error and it is missing I suspect you did not upload the files in the correct place. the wwwroot folder in the package corresponds to the root of your site, if you copy the contents of wwwroot into the root of your site then the files in wwwroot/bin should land in the bin folder beneath the root of your site. ie you should have sts.FormWizard.*.dll files in your /bin folder. If you don't then you did not upload the files correctly.

this is important because if you try to upgrade mojoportal it is the same process of copying the contents of the wwwroot from the mojoportal package and you must upload the files in the correct place, if you make a mistake and upload incorrectly it will be a lot of files in the wrong places and a big mess to clean up. extra files in the wrong place can lead to lots of errors as well. so try to make sure you are putting the files int he right place first.

7/31/2015 7:38:53 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options


I uploaded the files to the correct directories, and the setup routine worked without error - the sts.*.dll files are in the bin directory, and the tables for the date (dbo.sts_WebForm etc) have been created, but the option doesn't show in the available features list.

I will update my installation to tonight, and hopefully that will cure the problem.

7/31/2015 7:48:46 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

the only other situation where it won't show up on the feature list is in a multi site installation. by default it will only be enabled in the master site 

you would add it to other site from the master site using Site List to get to the site settings for the child site then add it from the features tab

8/1/2015 5:02:11 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options


I upgraded to last night and the feature is still not showing up.  It is a multi-site installation, but I am logged in as admin on the root site, and it does not appear in the list of features.  It also does not show up in the list of available features for child sites

The tables are present in the database, as are the stored procedures.  I tried recopying the install files and running setup again, but it didn't make a difference.

I can try installing on a separate site I have, but don't want to be in breach of the licence terms, as I have a single installation, not server licence.

Can you suggest anything else to try?


8/1/2015 8:27:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

when you go to Administration > System Information do you see

sts-FormWizard   in the list there?

Does the file exist on disk



8/1/2015 5:32:34 PM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

It's showing in the features list with that version number, and the config file is in the correct place.

Looking at the contents of the config file, I assume it's supposed to create a parent record in [dbo].[mp_ModuleDefinitions] and multiple child records in [dbo].[mp_ModuleDefinitionSettings]?  I have queried these tables and there are no entries relating to FormWizard, so I suspect this is  the reason it's not appearing.

I could probably create a SQL script from the body of the xml to create these records, but I assume such a thing already exists - is there something I could run to create the data?

8/2/2015 8:39:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

are you absolutely sure it isn't in the list of features you can add to a page? It should be listed as "Form Wizard Pro by Source Tree Solutions"

have you looked ot see if it is available in the list of features to add to child sites from site list?

are you seeing any errors in the log that might be related? If not try clear the log then visit setup again then check the log again

you should see a row in mp_ModuleDefinitions with the FeatureName as FormWizardFeatureName

8/2/2015 9:07:40 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

Joe, it's definitely not in the list - on the master site or in the child sites.

There is nothing in the mp_ModuleDefinitions table for FormWizard - Used this query, which returned 1 row when I tried it on a local installation I just tried:


FROM [dbo].[mp_ModuleDefinitions]

where FeatureName like '%FormWizard%'

I can't see anything in the logs mentioning FormWizard

I am going to try inserting the data into the tables by copying from my local installation

8/2/2015 9:41:24 AM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

Joe - Have just added the entries into mp_ModuleDefinitions  and [mp_ModuleDefinitionSettings], copying the data from that which is working on a local install, but it's still not appearing in the list.  Is there anything else I should look at?

I have just cleared the system log and rerun the setup routine and this error appeared:

2015-08-02 07:35:59,027 ERROR - en-GB - /setup/default.aspx - mojoPortal.Web.ContentFeature - could not install feature FormWizardFeatureName. Invalid ControlSource Setting. Filenot found: ~/FormWizard/FormWizardModule.ascx
2015-08-02 07:36:28,027 ERROR - en-US - / - mojoPortal.Web.UI.CmsPage - Content is assigned to altcontent1 placeholder but it does not exist in layout.master so using center.



8/2/2015 9:46:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

I would not manually add rows, the setup page should do that using the feature definition file.

the error indicates that not all the files were deployed, I would deploy the whole package again and visit setup again

perhaps you had some ftp errors uploading

8/2/2015 9:47:48 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

also file permissions could be a factor if it can't read the feature definition file then it would fail to create the data.

the user that is the identity on the application pool needs at least read access on all the files.

8/2/2015 1:00:24 PM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

Joe - I appear to be getting somewhere now.

I re-downloaded the package from your site and copied the contents of the wwwroot folder to the wwwroot folder of my installation again.  I then reran the setup.

The option for Form Wizard is now available for adding to child sites, but does not appear in the available options list when trying to add features to a page in the master site. I could probably live with this, but maybe you have an idea why?



8/2/2015 1:26:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

my guess is that is because you manually added that row in mp_ModuleDefinitions, the setup page did not do what was intended. It should have also created a row in mp_SiteModuleDefinitions for the master site. You could probably manually add that row. 

8/2/2015 1:35:23 PM
Total Posts 66

Re: Form Wizard Pro - not available in my options

Joe - I removed the data before I reran the setup.

I have manually added the row in mp_SiteModuleDefinitions as you suggested and it now appears in the list.

Many thanks for all the help.

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