White space in blog instance

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7/1/2015 9:44:28 AM
Total Posts 28

White space in blog instance

I am using two columns of the skin foundation221   with the centre column acting as the left column on the page. 

I have inserted a Blog instance in this centre (left) column. As I want to just display news I have disabled comments and removed all content from the right hand column of this Blog. See:  andyfrankland.co.uk/home     This leaves an empty right hand column which appears as white space in the middle of the page and looks odd. 

Is there a way of forcing the Blog text to spread right and fill the full width of the Blog instance on the page and thus remove this white space?  




7/1/2015 5:24:01 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: White space in blog instance

Hi Andy,

You may need to do a few things.

First, move your blog to the Bottom pane shown in your page layout ("Edit this Page").

Next, if the blog still isn't expanding to the full width, set the following in your style-blog.css file:

.row .blogcenter-nonav.nine { width: auto; }

Joe D.

7/2/2015 1:30:40 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: White space in blog instance

Hi Joe

Thanks for the suggestions. The solutions works, but because the bottom pane clears the right hand pane I now get a vertical gap before the start of the blog. So I have moved my white space from one place to another!

Can I get the bottom pane to just clear left?




7/3/2015 1:55:09 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: White space in blog instance

Hi Joe

Have now resolved the problem.

I took your suggestion for the style addition from the forum email notification. For some reason it omitted the curly braces. Have just realized the omission, corrected it and all is fine.

Thanks again for your help.


Andy F

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