Page Security Issue

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6/30/2015 7:50:57 AM
Total Posts 30

Page Security Issue

I have populated my users, roles and pages through a code. So everything was created programmatically. The security of the pages was also set by code. I have specified which roles have access to specific pages. The problem is that the page security is not working properly. If a user logs in for the first time, he only has access to the pages that his role has permission to. Once he clicks on any link on the page ( any post back action occurs ) the security will break and he will see all the pages, although he doesn't have permission to view. I have noticed that if me, as Administrator, just go to the page security and click on save, the user will not be able to access the page that I have just saved the security for.


Any advice ?



7/1/2015 8:09:32 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Page Security Issue

Do you have any errors in the log?

Are you sure your code is creating the users, roles and pages properly?


7/2/2015 8:11:51 AM
Total Posts 30

Re: Page Security Issue

Dear Joe,


Thanks a lot for your reply.


I found the problem, it was because of a space next to the role name in AuthorizedRoles field in pages table.



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