Artisteer 4.2 stick footer issue

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6/24/2015 1:45:14 PM
Total Posts 41

Artisteer 4.2 stick footer issue


I have created a skin in Artisteer 4.2 with a Page width, Screen height footer - i.e. a sticky footer.  I have used the latest plugin to export it and am using it in mojo (latest version).

I just have content in the center column (although my skin does have three columns).  If I have just one html content module on a page, all is ok.  If I add a second html content module in the centre column below the first, both modules are very tall.  On inspection, I can see that the sticky footer is being achieved by setting the height of the div with class "art-sheet clearfix".  That seems to make sense, however when the page renders I get two divs with this class, each with an inline height set (presumably this is done in script.js resize function to push the footer to the bottom).

How can I fix this?


7/7/2015 7:33:10 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: Artisteer 4.2 stick footer issue


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