Help to choose best Mojoportal hosting in Europe?

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3/26/2015 10:51:32 PM
Total Posts 2

Help to choose best Mojoportal hosting in Europe?

Dear All,

First of all, I want to say sorry if I post in wrong section. Actually I want to test to deploy my mojoportal site on internet. I have tried it on my localhost and it works perfectly. Now, this is time to test it to internet. I am searching for hosting that offer mojoportal. Well, I dont want to spend high budget to my project. Because this is testing project. I'm looking for shared hosting. 

I have searched on google and I found 3 hosting providers that might be suits my requirements, it is,, and also ovh. Anyone have good experience with them? The best candicate for me now is Or anyone have recommendation here? I want Europe server.

I found they also recommended by hosting review blog (

Thank you

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