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You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.
Good Evening. How can 'remove the picture and the link to Thank You
edit the layout.master file under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins/[skinname]
where SiteID is typically 1 and skinname is whatever you see in the skin dropdown in site settings
I removed this part:
<footer class="art-footer clearfix"> .....
but everything remains.
You need to delete only
<div> <a href="" ><img alt="mojoPortal Hosting Made Easy" border="0" height="77" src="//" width="600" /></a> </div><div> <a href="" class="mojoart1"> <portal:SkinFolderImage ID="imgartad" runat="server" ImageFileName="ArtisteerWebDesign_468x60.gif" AlternateText="Artisteer - Web Design Generator" /></a></div>
Check is it right skin folder.
my layout.master is here
I deleted the part right but not right. the file is located in
advertising remains.
thank you
please read my first answer carefully, you are not editing the right file
It Works. Thank You