Vertical Main (master) menu system

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2/20/2015 9:24:24 PM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Vertical Main (master) menu system



mojoPortal Version MSSQL
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ASP.NET Info v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust


I have read through as much of the help I could find regarding Vertical Menu system and Artisteer.  I am using Artisteer Standard Edition to create my theme.  I took the default "blank" template and simply added a left side vertical menu.   It did not appear when I exported it using your tool and importing it into my web site (using the import tool).

I read an older help page that talks about using Vertical menus on the Green & Cloud samples shipped with earlier versions of mojoPortal. Those templates are no longer part of mojoPortal that I could find and there are no new Vertical Menu sample templates.  I tried to understand the help page on the Type of Menus page ( ).  But it does not say which file these setting are contained.  I did find some references to SiteMenu but I was not sure and it used the "useflexmenu" and I wasn't sure if the help file was for this version.

Is there any current documentation or sample templates using Artisteer with Left Vertical menus within mojoPortal that I can base my web site template on.

Could someone please point me to the current help pages for Vertical Menu system and/or a sample Artisteer template using vertical menus that works with this version of mojoPortal.


Is it that the old Vertical Menu system is no longer supported for the entire web site

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


2/23/2015 12:16:37 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Did you download the file from the Codeplex download page? There are some older skins in there that have been updated to work with the latest release of mojoPortal, and one of those may have a vertical-only menu system. If so, model the menu entry in your layout.master on the one from that skin.

2/23/2015 1:01:48 PM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Hi Jamie E.

Thanks for the tip.  I found them and downloaded the Extra Skins and the Extra Artisteer files from the download page.

I checked the Artisteer files and there is one labeled art42-businessblue3-vmenu and 2 others that only have vertical menus in the sample and in Artisteer it has only the one labeled vertical menu... great just what I wanted...


When I saved it and exported it I got the same name except the version was 41 not 42 as originally labeled.  I imported it into my site and it has NO menus at all now... the site has 4 pages off the root... just for the heck of it I created a new page under the Home page and low and behold it showed up in the vertical menu.

So it appears that the Vertical menu system is ONLY for child pages and not Root pages.  I will keep testing and see if I can find a better answer... in the mean time do you have any thoughts or suggestions?


2/23/2015 1:05:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

after exporting from Artisteer

in layout.master

put the <portal:SiteMenu in the location where <portal:PageMenu currently is (remove <portal:PageMenu)

set SkinID="PageMenu" on the <portal:SiteMenu

2/23/2015 3:54:47 PM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Hi Guys,

I found one of the HTML skins that had a left sided vertical menu and after I zipped it up and copied it to my web site and then with Joes additional code help I was able to get the Vertical menu to work.  But only as Hyperlinks... no buttons.

The code line I have in the Layout.Master file now looks like this...

<portal:SiteMenu ID="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="true" 
                        HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" Direction="Horizontal" set SkinID="PageMenu"></portal:SiteMenu>

To get the menu to appear in a graphic format what am I missing or is the button issue somewhere else?  Will keep digging.


2/24/2015 6:50:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

make it like this:

<portal:SiteMenu ID="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false" UseFlexMenu="true"
            HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" Direction="Horizontal"  SkinID="PageMenu"></portal:SiteMenu>

2/24/2015 8:13:57 AM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Hi Joe,

I changed the line to reflect your code but I must have it wrong someplace else as it didn't change the look.  The menus are still text links.

I am going to go back to Artisteer and start the project again this time using one of the known working samples with a Vertical menu.  Now that I know what the SiteMenu line should look like I can look in other places. 

I will let you know what I find.  Got any suggestions on where I should start looking?


2/24/2015 9:10:09 AM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

I thought it might be an issue with IE so I tried Firefox but got the same results...

I created 2 sites using Artisteer 4.2 from the samples file ExtraArtisteer file from your download page.  I exported them using your tool then imported them in to my site using the built in tool.  Same result... no menus at all... I change the PageMenu line to the one you suggested... text menus.

So I am thinking that I am exporting incorrectly or I have done missed something in the basic setup of the site in Artisteer (layout=3 column)?

I am not good at this sort of debugging.  Where should I be looking next?


2/24/2015 9:47:48 AM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

I checked out the HTML skins in your ExtraSkins file from the Download page.

The art31-verticalmenu1/2/3 and art30-verticalmenu1/2/3 files all had some sort of error with the vertical menu system... it was scrambled of did not show.


The art24-verticalmenu3 worked perfectly, it already had your code line for the SiteMenu.  The Vertical menus showed perfectly.

I know that you can not import an HTML skin into Artisteer so do you have any suggestions on how what my best method would be to?  What tool do you recommend to modify the files and get the look & feel I want?


Sorry for all the posts but I am trying to learn to resolve the issues myself, with some hints and tips from more knowledgeable people such as yourself.

2/24/2015 2:12:00 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Hi Phill,

There isn't a tool which will allow you to tweak or modify a skin without first having a good handle on HTML, CSS and the settings/options available in mojoPortal.

If you are good with HTML and CSS, any editor (even notepad) will work fine. At this point, it's all a matter of preference. Folks on my team use Eclipse, some use Notepad++, others use Sublime Text and some use Visual Studio.

Joe D.

2/24/2015 4:12:11 PM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Vertical Main (master) menu system

Joe D.

Thanks for the input... I am not very good with markup languages... I programmed for 35 years but gave it up due to health reasons back in 2009 (stress bought on to many heart attacks)... I only do the web site stuff now to keep my brain somewhat going and for the fun of it... So I am not only very rusty I can not let it stress my out either... I will have a think on your suggestions, and thank you for them, and will plod along for now and when I decide I have had enough I'll hire you to do it properly... what sort of fee do you charge for skin design?

Thanks everybody for all there help in trying to resolve this issue you have all been very helpful and gracious.

Keep smiling

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