Assign permission to role to change page security

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2/17/2015 6:10:41 AM
Total Posts 2

Assign permission to role to change page security


We’re evaluating MojoPortal as our internal CMS solution (which we like very much) and I’ve got a question about Roles and Permissions. I’ve created an area for IT staff to create pages (essentially a Knowledge Base) using the process described under “Additional and User-Defined Roles” from here: This works very well and IT staff can create pages.

Some of these pages we would like to restrict to IT staff only, whereas the other pages we’d like to allow everyone to access. When IT staff create a new page they do not get the “Security” tab when they edit the security setting for the page. Is there any way to assign this permission to the role, so they can edit the security for the pages they can edit or create? (The only other option appears to be to put them in Content Administrators, but this allows them rights to other department areas).



2/17/2015 9:22:27 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Assign permission to role to change page security

Hi Jonathan,

There isn't an option to allow an editor for a page to be able to change the security on the pages he can edit. I can log this a feature request though I'm not sure when or if it will happen.

Something you could do is use the Multiple Sites feature to create a separate mojoPortal site within your existing installation for IT Staff. If I were building this out I would probably do this:

  1. Enable Multiple Sites with Folder Names
  2. Enable Related Sites Mode
  3. Create a site for 'IT Staff'
  4. Create an 'IT Staff' role and assign it the 'Site Editor' permission on the 'IT Staff' site.
  5. Set the 'Default root level page view roles' on the 'IT Staff' site to be the 'IT Staff' role instead of 'All Users'.

This gives you the greatest amount of flexibility with regard to permissions on separate areas of the 'site' as a whole.

Joe D.

2/17/2015 9:39:09 AM
Total Posts 2

Re: Assign permission to role to change page security

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the quick response. I hadn't considered the Multiple site feature - I'll have a look into that.



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