More refined way to show blog posts.

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2/11/2015 5:42:17 PM
Total Posts 58
"Digg-in yourself to achieve excellence!" Follow #GPsays

More refined way to show blog posts.

Hi Joe,

I've been wondering since long days that, why haven't we formatted the URL in to get a more traditional way, where the user gets an option to list out his/her site's posts.

That is, in current scenario, you have developed the blog module to auto-suggest the URLs that goes after the site's root trailing slash.

If there could be an option somewhere in the post or in the "Administration" where something with a name "Blog Settings" or in the blog module's setting(after added to a page), like a check box to choose or a key in web.config to opt-in the traditional way  like the below URL,


By this way, we could make users (say, a community's website) to have their name shown up in the URL, by default, also something similar to the MSDN blogs.

Hope this suggestion would favor many people.

Thanks in Advance,


"Ever Loving mojoPortal"

2/12/2015 8:13:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: More refined way to show blog posts.


Mainly mojoPortal was designed with the idea to provide a business most of the functionality they would want for a web site. It was not designed to be like community server where a bunch of people have their own blog. See the section on our About page for What mojoPortal Was NOT Designed for.

Also we support the concept of multiple sites in a single installation where the first folder segment of the url identifies the site, therefore we kept other aspects of the url simple without extra segments.

I will log this as a feature request, but it is probably something that will not be worked on any time soon.



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