IE 11 EVERYTHING centered

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1/15/2015 3:35:39 PM
Total Posts 8

IE 11 EVERYTHING centered

IE Vesion 11.09600.17498

Renders normal in Chrome and Firefox


1/15/2015 4:24:38 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: IE 11 EVERYTHING centered


You've given us no information whatsoever to help you. I am browsing this site using IE 11 and I don't have any issues. Further, I use a lot of mojo site and have no issues with IE 11.

The best place to look is in your site's CSS. Press the F12 key on your keyboard after loading your site in IE 11; this will load the IE Developer Tools which you can use to find the CSS rule which causing all of your content to be centered.

Please give us some details so we can help you.


1/15/2015 4:33:46 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: IE 11 EVERYTHING centered

Well I tried to include a screenshot but it obviously did not happen (if this is not possible in the forums that would be a helpful addition). I discovered what  the issue was using the inspect element feature in IE. I noticed it was loading on Document Mode 7. I added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >to the layout.master and everything is happy.



6/22/2015 11:29:29 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: IE 11 EVERYTHING centered

I had a similar, but worse, issue.  A brand new installation of mojo using any of the artisteer42 skins shipped with it produced an unusable result.  All the content was squeezed into a very narrow strip to the right of centre of the page.  The administration page showed none of the link icons - just a blank page!  Everything was fine in Chrome.

I applied pappajohn's fix and all is now ok.  This is repeatable on at least three machines that I've tried.  Has no-one else had this issue??!!

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