"Open in New Window" doesn't work

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12/3/2014 11:19:29 AM
Total Posts 5

"Open in New Window" doesn't work

This was supposedly fixed in 2007, but it still doesn't seem to work. Checking the box for "Open in New Window?" when setting up a new link doesn't seem to do anything. Clicking on a link that was set up with this option just opens the link in the same browser window.

Original bug report: https://www.mojoportal.com/Forums/Thread.aspx?pageid=5&t=1141~-1


I know that the W3C advocates against opening links in new windows, but my client wants to be able to do that. Since you have a field for "Open in New Window?" when setting up our menus, it would be nice if this actually worked.

12/3/2014 1:21:19 PM
Total Posts 2241

Re: "Open in New Window" doesn't work

I can confirm this bug for menus which use the FlexMenu control.

A similar bug was fixed back in 2007 with the SiteMenu control but the FlexMenu control was added at least 5 years after that and was built clean from the ground up. So, this is a different bug than the one fixed in 2007 but has the same effect.

Forcing links to open in a new window, especially from a menu, is a bad UX practice and is not recommended by the mojoPortal development team.

Joe D.

12/5/2014 2:39:33 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: "Open in New Window" doesn't work

this is now fixed in the source code repository so it will be fixed in the next release



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