Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

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11/26/2014 5:00:20 AM
Total Posts 23

Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

Hi Everyone,

Im wondering if its possible to have a migration between mojoportal and a different platform. Exporting users and importing them doesnt really seem a problem except for the passwords. Our MojoPortal is using the "Hashed in Db/Cannot Be decrypted" setting so im guessing a simpel export import wont be possible.

Now im wondering with the help of a little scripting if its possible to somehow migrate the users?

11/26/2014 3:31:39 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

Just to clearify, migrating with the password being intact doesnt seem to be possible as far as i know. Im more looking at a way to migrate the users and have it as user friendly as possible.

Current scenario im thinking about is:

1. convert the "hashed in db/cannot be decrypted" setting to encrypted.

2. This will have all the password reset into an encrypted password (but one that can be decrypted).

3. Export the users with decrypted password

4. Import in new system with new encryption 

5. Email users that their password has been reset and send the new password? (not really happy with that)


11/27/2014 7:06:46 AM
Total Posts 2241

Re: Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal


You are correct that when the password storage is set to hashed the passwords cannot be recovered to plain text.

Are you migrating away from mojoPortal or only trying to provide users a login to another system?

If you're wanting to provide your users with a login to another system you have a couple of options; 1) write a module/plugin/addon for the 'other' system to use your mojoPortal site for authentication (users) and authorization (roles); 2) setup an LDAP directory and connect both systems to it (with this option you'll need to map LDAP users to existing users in mojo and passwords are probably going to have to change because the authentication piece of the puzzle would be handled by LDAP).

Simply put, the passwords are hashed and there is no way to get them back to plain text.

Joe D.

11/27/2014 7:38:53 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm actually looking at migrating them away from mojoportal.

Having mojoportal as authentication tool might be an option for user who login for the first time on the new portal. Ill authenticate them one time in mojoportal and have their passwords hashed within the new system. Then i flag them as "migrated" and further authentication will go thru the new system. Then after a certain period ill disable mojoportal authentication and users that have never been logged in will be asked to reset their password upon logging in.



11/28/2014 9:29:00 AM
Total Posts 2241

Re: Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

That sounds like a workable solution.

If you wouldn't mind sharing your reasons for migrating away from mojo, I'd be glad to hear them. You can either post them here or email me at joe (at) i7media (dot) com

12/1/2014 3:21:21 PM
Total Posts 23

Re: Exporting users so that they can be migrated to different portal

Ive send you an email.

I was able to solve this by implementing the same hashing method as mojoportal into the new portal

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