Disable New Folder button in Shared Files Module

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10/1/2014 9:25:02 AM
Total Posts 4

Disable New Folder button in Shared Files Module

I saw in other post that there is no way to disable without using CSS.

I tried to disable it but I didn't find any CSS file that have the class "newfolderpanel" (I find this class using "Inspect Element).

Could someone help me how to disable it?

10/1/2014 1:29:15 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Disable New Folder button in Shared Files Module

Hi Eduardo,

Just add .newfolderpanel { display: none; } to any of your css files and you then reset the skin version guid for your site by going to Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool.

Joe D.

10/1/2014 1:43:59 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Disable New Folder button in Shared Files Module


It worked perfectly.

You've made my day.

Thanks a lot.

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