Problem with 404

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8/18/2014 11:29:59 PM
Total Posts 44
Regards, Dilip Wanave

Problem with 404


I am using of the mojoPortal in which I am facing a problem with handling 404.

If I will enter URL like http://mydomain/nopage.aspx which does not exists then it properly navigates me to Page Not found and this page has default site skin also, but when i enter a URL like http://mydomain/nopage (without .aspx) then I get crash with error "HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found".

So I want to redirect user to Page Not Found in both the cases (page with .aspx andwithout .aspx).

so how can I achieve this?



8/19/2014 6:54:46 AM
Total Posts 44
Regards, Dilip Wanave

Re: Problem with 404


I have resolved this problem using below code which is added under <system.webserver>

<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Replace">
    <remove statusCode="404"/>   
    <error statusCode="404" responseMode="ExecuteURL"    path="/pagenotfound.aspx"/>    

And this is useful for IIS7 and above only, it will not solve problem for IIS6.





5/14/2015 1:11:21 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Problem with 404

Nice one - this also solved a similar problem for me on

On my site, with extensionless URLs, entering a bad url without aspx gave a standard 404, and entering a bad url ending in .aspx crashed the site (which I think is the opposite of what you had). This was on Server 2008 R2, .Net 4.5, Integrated app pool.

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