mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory

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8/6/2014 12:27:17 AM
Total Posts 44
Regards, Dilip Wanave

mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory


We have hosted four web sites with latest version of mojoPortal under Arvixe VPS plan which has 2GB RAM, we are facing problems due to high memory (RAM) usage. These websites are just hosted yesterday and have default data.

From the task manager we checked the memory usage then it shows

SQL Server (ssms.exe): more than 500MB

IIS (w3wp.exe): more than 1GB (Includes all four application)

Searched on Google why SQL server and IIS takes much server memory then get reasons like:

1. Page Caching Dynamic Websites
2. ViewState Enabled on Labels
3. Long Session Time Outs
4. Memory Leaks
5. Unclosed Database Connections

Session timeout we have set it to 30min.

Could you please let us know if we host a mojoPortal website on IIS then how much RAM memory is needed (IIS + SQL) ?

So can any one help me to figure out  why applications are taking too much RAM memory? and how we can reduce it?



8/6/2014 8:09:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory

A SQL Server is going to use at least 500mb for core services independent of what the site database is using, an web app in decent shared hosting will be typically be allowed 200-250MB. The way garbage collection works to recover memory means it will use more ram if more ram is available but it can get by with 200-250mb per site.

a server with 2GB of ram is a a very bare bones machine, I would not expect to run more than 4 sites on that, you are almost better off in shared hosting unless you get at least 4gb of ram so that you have more headroom. you would be surprised how much difference it makes having 4 gb vs 2gb.

It does not sound like it is unexpected use of resources to me, it sounds very typical for

I do not think you will find any memory leaks or unclosed db connections in mojoPortal, maybe in custom code of your own. nothing in mojoPortal uses session state, we are careful to turn off viewstate on labels though that is mainly to reduce the viewstate payload in the page than to reduce memory use. By default we do very little caching, mostly the sitemap and sitesettings are things that get cached.

I don't think you will have any luck trying to make it use less resources, you would get better results by increasing the available resources or only hosting 1 site on that machine

8/6/2014 8:45:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory

actually just looked at this win2008 web server that this site is running on and it only has 2gb of ram but it is a physical machine not a vps and I do think that makes a difference.

I'm actually running 6 instances of mojoPortal along with SQL Express and MySql running on the same machine (this site uses MySql but other sites such as the demo site uses  MS SQL). A few of my sites share the same application pool and are low traffic, only 2 instances get significant traffic. If they all had heavy traffic I would probably have problems.

My server is almost always using all the available memory but it has good performance other than the typical slow startup time caused by JIT compilation whenever I redeploy updated code.

Some things like launching SQL Management tools on the server is pretty slow, but web site performance is very good after the site is warmed up. I was thinking this machine had 4gb of ram and was surprised it has only 2. I would not try to run more sites on this machine given the resource limits. If I were getting a server or vps today I would definitely go for 4gb of ram especially if it is a vps.

8/6/2014 10:47:42 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory

2GB RAM on a VPS with one provider will not equal 2GB RAM on a VPS with another provider. The biggest reason for this is that the specs on the physical server will determine how well that 2GB actually performs. If the physical VM host machine has a slower FSB, than 2GB RAM may not be enough. Also, if the physical machine is overloaded, you could experience issues. Finally, one thing that most people don't consider is the type of drives serving the VPS. If they're SATA, you'll see memory usage issues because generally SATA just isn't fast enough for a VPS.

You should ask Arvixe about the specs of the physical machine(s) they are hosting your VPS on and the types and speeds of drives used for it.

Joe D.

8/7/2014 12:10:35 AM
Total Posts 44
Regards, Dilip Wanave

Re: mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory

Thanks Joe Audette and Joe Davis for your reply and explaining everything in details.

I will think of the hosting and ask details to Arvixe.



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