File upload feature with blob storage on azure

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4/28/2014 12:42:06 AM
Total Posts 12

File upload feature with blob storage on azure


I have hosted the mojoPortal werbsite on azure. Just want to know that while using file upload features or image gallery the uploaded file get removed while azure VM get restarted. So the solution for this is BLOB storage.

Will you please help me to know is it possible with mojoPortal?

How to write code to upload/ download file on blob storage from mojoportal code ?



4/28/2014 10:37:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File upload feature with blob storage on azure

I suggest do some googling for "azure blob storage mount as drive on vm image"

you can create a web role vm image that has a mounted drive that is blob storage but works like any hard drive, if you save the vm as an image then when it gets re-created or re-provisioned it will already have the drive mapped on each instance, then you can install the web site as in virtual directory or at least the /Data folder which is the writable portion could be a virtual directory in IIS that uses the blob drive so all nodes of the web role vm will use the same blob storage drive.

The advantage of this approach is that it is just like any hard drive so nothing special has to be done, files can be uploaded the normal way.

If you use Azure Websites (as opposed to setting up your own web role vms), I believe they already work this way, you get scalability but you don't have to worry about doing anything special for file uploads because under the hood Azure Websites uses azure drives that map to blob storage but work just like a normal file system.

Hope that helps,


4/29/2014 1:29:21 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: File upload feature with blob storage on azure

Thanks for you quick reply.

We are using azure cloud service for hosting ,as in the application we have 2 web roles (e.g. one for Website ad other is VM in the website).

So as per your reply, you are suggesting us to use VM hosting for the same. If yes, then please tell how to do this?    

How it is possible with cloud service?


4/29/2014 4:27:37 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: File upload feature with blob storage on azure

Thanks for you quick reply.

We are using azure cloud service for hosting ,and it has two web roles (e.g. one for Website ad other is Virtual directory in the website). Since we are using cloud service is it possible using that?

So as per your reply, I think you are suggesting us to use VM hosting. If yes, then do we need to do any code changes for that?


4/29/2014 7:27:34 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: File upload feature with blob storage on azure

one more query, i have go through mojo portal documentation (Using a Synchronization Framework to Run mojoPortal on Azure).

Is that means all web folder will synch with blob storage? 

4/29/2014 10:58:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: File upload feature with blob storage on azure

the sync framework was one way to keep the local storage of the vms in sync by syncing the local drive from blob storage, but using a blob storage mounted as a drive is a better solution. the sync solution was created before it became possible to mount blob storage as a drive, now that it is possible I do not recommend using the sync framework.

I suggest do some research, do not expect me to give you step by step advice

the easier solution is to use Azure Websites, if you want to use web role vms (which is a more complex approach) then do some research as I suggested about how to make a vm image with the blob storage already mounted as a drive.

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