Place a text before BreadCrumb

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4/11/2014 1:18:20 PM
Total Posts 17

Place a text before BreadCrumb


I would like to place a text "You are here: " before my breadcrumb control, how is the best way to achieve this?
I already placed it in the layout.master but the breadcrumb is set on the line below my text, how can I avoid this?



4/11/2014 4:16:36 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Place a text before BreadCrumb


The easiest way to do this is to use the CSS :before pseudo-element. Example:

.breadcrumbs:before {
    content: 'You are here: ';

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

4/12/2014 2:49:39 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Place a text before BreadCrumb

Thanks for the fast reply, will give it a try.



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