Passing a session variable, userid or other unique ID's to a page used in an iFrame.

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4/4/2014 9:14:50 PM
Total Posts 9

Passing a session variable, userid or other unique ID's to a page used in an iFrame.

I am using an iFrame to bring in ASP pages to the site.
In MP, I have selected a specific role to see the content.
This work just fine. My problem is those pages are now open to the public.
If they guess or someone finds out the directory, they are in, they have full access. I want to block access, except for those authorized to view it.

Is there a way to capture the unique userid, login, unique role or anything else and pass that to another page, ASP page, in the same domain?

Thanks in advance


4/7/2014 2:36:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Passing a session variable, userid or other unique ID's to a page used in an iFrame.


I can't offer any advice specifically about sharing things between and classic asp but I think doing some google research you may find a way.

However I know that you can protect static files in a given folder beneath your mojoPortal site by adding a web.config file to the folder like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <allow roles="Admins" />
        <deny users="*"/>

which would allow only users in the Admins role to access the files. The same solution "might" work for protecting .asp files in a folder, I'm not sure though.

Hope that helps,


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