Screen Readers and main content

This forum is primarily for reporting issues about Web Accessibility such as difficulty using mojoPortal with a screen reader or other assistive technology.

Post any feedback here related to improving the accessibility or usability of mojoPortal. As stated in our Accessibility documentation, it is an important goal of the project that both the front-end customer experience and the back end administration and content publishing features be accessible to as many people as possible. Ideally, if you post about problems, we will also be glad to have suggestions on how the problems can be fixed but all constructive feedback on these issues is welcome.

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2/20/2014 3:57:26 PM
Total Posts 5

Screen Readers and main content



So I am working towards getting all of our sites with mojoportal to be web accessable, I have been testing them with all the Wave, 508's and VCL's built in checker and that all comes back fine. When I use my screenreader I can tab through all the links and navigation but it never seems to get to the content, so it never reads me content... which is a bad thing. Any ideas?

System Information:

mojoPortal Version2.3.9.7 MSSQL
Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
ASP.NET Infov2.0.50727 Running in Full Trust


2/20/2014 4:45:09 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Screen Readers and main content

Hi Barbara,

We would have to see the site to be able to help. Can you send us a link?

Joe D.

2/21/2014 11:29:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Screen Readers and main content

Hi Barbara,

Do you have someone testing who actually depends on a screen reader?

It should be possible to tab into links but I'm not sure about tabbing into paragraphs, doesn't seem like that should be needed for reading the page. Do you get different results testing with major news sites or other sites known to be accessible to screen readers. I would think there are probably keyboard commands to initiate various things within the screen reader.

We are very interested in anything we can do to help insure that mojoPortal is accessible and we would love to be able to help if you have actual testers who depend on assistive technology who could provide specific examples of specific problems as well as comparable pages that do work for them. Ultimately we would need to find out what exactly in the html is not accessible and what the actual html markup is vs the recommended markup.

fyi, please don't reply to the forum notification email, please click the link in the email to get back to this thread to reply in the forums.

Hope we can be of some help,


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