Sibling Pages Site Map

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2/17/2014 3:17:24 PM
Total Posts 28

Sibling Pages Site Map

Hi Joe,

I was doing some research on whether or not it was possible to create a sibling site map when I found a post from a few years ago where you mentioned this was on the list of items that had been requested. I apologize if I missed a release on whether or not this was a current feature, but I was wondering if this was in place yet, and if not, if you had any suggestions on how to go about creating one.

Thanks. As always, your time is appreciated.

2/17/2014 4:12:22 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: Sibling Pages Site Map

Hi Joe (again :)),

I managed to find a workaround for this issue in my particular build by using the PageMenu control.


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