new skin folder not showing up after upload

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1/14/2014 4:18:51 PM
Total Posts 37

new skin folder not showing up after upload

So Arvixe just installed a new MP site for us version MSSQL. We have copied by FTP a custom skin for the site to the same folder as we always do: wwwroot/Data/Sites/1/skins/new_skin_folder. After completion the upload and refreshing the site, the new folder and skin is not available from the skin drop down menu on the site settings page (Administration Menu > Site List > Site Settings). 

Has something changed - i do not see anything in the release notes for 2.4.0.


1/14/2014 4:54:01 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: new skin folder not showing up after upload

Nothing has changed regarding the skin location. You should make sure you are uploading to the proper location. Login to your site and upload an image or something. If you don't find that in the correct folder when browsing through FTP, you aren't uploading to the right location.

Also, make sure your skin doesn't have any spaces or odd characters like one of these: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( )

Joe D.

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