Footer overlap & Form Wizard Pro

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1/14/2014 8:17:46 AM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Footer overlap & Form Wizard Pro

I am hoping someone more skilled with CSS can help with this.

If a screen size (or browser window) is small enough, the footer will overlap the Form Wizard buttons.  I cannot seem to set an z-index that would prevent this.  The skin was designed in Artisteer.

Go to page 2 of the form at

Thanks in advance for any help -- Joe Vago

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1/14/2014 9:38:35 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Footer overlap & Form Wizard Pro

It appears you have already fixed this issue as I am not able to reproduce it. If you haven't fixed it, which browser are you having the trouble with?

Joe D.

1/14/2014 9:58:17 AM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: Footer overlap & Form Wizard Pro

Joe D,

Thanks for the quick response.  I should have mentioned this - it works in IE10 but not in Chrome or Firefox (latest versions).

If you resize your browser window to make the site smaller be sure to refresh after resizing.

There are some users that have lower resolutions screens which causes the smaller display and the overlap.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Joe V.

1/14/2014 1:18:21 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Footer overlap & Form Wizard Pro

I just tried this in FireFox and Chrome and it looks fine, even after refresh and clicking through to the second page of your form.

You might have a caching issue on your end. Try resetting the skin version guid in Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool.


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