CSS for EventCalendar

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1/12/2014 5:51:08 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

CSS for EventCalendar


In the skin I have built with Artisteer and exported with Skin exporter 4.1, I have problem styling the event calendar.

The numbers for the day is rendered white and therefore cannot be seen.
Like this: http://new.haningebudoklubb.se/Kalender

​I cant find the CSS for this and no matter how I change in styleaspcalendar.css or styledatacalendar.css, the text still ends up white.

If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful.




1/12/2014 9:36:16 AM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: CSS for EventCalendar

Hi there,

Somewhere in your style you have the below style which is overwriting your other styles.

.mpcalendarday a[href*=javascript] {
	color: #FFF!important;

You will need to place !important on the style you make for the days because they have a hard coded color on the anchor element.


1/12/2014 10:24:14 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: CSS for EventCalendar


I saw that myself now when using the inspect element feature in chrome.

The thing is that I have the following line last in xxx.css

.mpcalendarday  a[href*=javascript]{ color:#000000 !important; }


But somehow this must be overridden in some other css file then.

Is there a way to figure out which css-file have which settings?

I have looked trough all of them and searched for this but can't find it. Must have missed it, because it cannot be anywhere else than in CSS-files, or can it?

I guess I have to search through all of them again, but it is a tedious task... 


PS. How did you quote the source code like that? DS.

1/12/2014 10:40:35 AM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: CSS for EventCalendar

Searched through all CSS-files without finding this.

However, I noticed that I had a space between color and !important.

I removed that space and now it works.

Still a mystery where color:FFF came from ...



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