In which version I can find "Publish Mode" setting for the responsive design?

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1/10/2014 9:05:20 AM
Total Posts 8

In which version I can find "Publish Mode" setting for the responsive design?

I read your document about "Supporting Tablets and Phones", and it says "mojoPortal has several abilities built in to help you with this. You can set a "Mobile Skin" in site settings. You can also specify whether particular pages or content instances are published on smart phones using the "Publish Mode" setting found in Page Settings and Feature Instance Settings,  so in some special cases you could make 2 versions of content, one published for web browsers (tablets on up) and the other for smart phones (which we call mobile)." I had never seen this setting before. Could you please let me know how to get this ability? Thanks.



1/10/2014 1:10:08 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: In which version I can find "Publish Mode" setting for the responsive design?

Hi, you set the Mobile Skin in Site Settings and the Publish Mode in the Page Settings of each page and the Module Settings of each module instance.

If you don't see these options, you need to upgrade your site to get the features.

Joe D.

1/10/2014 3:10:46 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: In which version I can find "Publish Mode" setting for the responsive design?

thanks a lot for your answer.

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