mojoportal on AWS

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1/7/2014 9:37:48 PM
Total Posts 26

mojoportal on AWS

Hey Joe I read another old post that is now closed, and I just wondered where we are with running mojo on AWS particularly with auto scaling.

Thanks in advance (enjoy the beers)


1/8/2014 11:31:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoportal on AWS

Hi Hurricane,

Thanks for the beers! Much appreciated.

I have not done any kind of work with AWS so I don't have any specific advice for using mojoPortal with AWS.

I've done some work with Azure and mojoPortal seems to work well there with good options to scale up as needed. 



1/8/2014 2:35:28 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: mojoportal on AWS

Ok thanks Joe, Ill have a good look azure.


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