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12/23/2013 2:04:48 PM
Total Posts 28


Hi joe,

What is the code in the layoutmaster you refered to in another post? You mention removing this if you want to add your own custom addthis code.

I tried adding my own code from addthis to each blog post, but it will not show up. The code does work on other pages, just not in the actual blog post. We want it to show at the end of each post. But do not want it in the layout master. My client does not like the treatment your using with the hover dropdown menu. They'd like the buttons to already show. Can you help us out with this? We're using mojo version MSSQL.



12/24/2013 12:13:44 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Addthis

Sorry but I can't really offer support for older versions, was more than 2 years ago. Since version of mojoPortal we have used a very customizable AddThis widget, that can be customized from I know we had something for AddThis before that but I don't remember much about it. I suggest consider upgrading to the latest version.



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