IE9 Artisteer Header Issue

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12/12/2013 11:04:52 AM
Total Posts 37

IE9 Artisteer Header Issue


I'm having issues with my Artisteer exported skin in Mojo.  I'm using the latest version of Artisteer (4.2) as well as the latest version of MojoPortal and the MojoPortal Artisteer export plugin.  Everything looks great in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE10, and IE8, but in IE9 my header blows up.  Originally the nav was left aligned in IE9 instead of centered, but I got that tweaked.  I'm not able to get the header to cooperate though.  I either end up breaking it in Firefox or IE9, but never get it to work in both.  I tried changing the .art-shapes width to 1000px as it looked to me like it was stretching that element to page width in IE9, but that didn't seem to work.  I did get it to work in IE9 with some tweaks, but it was then very broken in Firefox.  There are 3 images in front of the background (clouds) image, as well as the search bar.  I've skinned a few sites in MojoPortal now, but haven't run across this issue yet.  I appreciate any help you can give!  

The website URL is:


12/12/2013 11:14:34 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: IE9 Artisteer Header Issue


Add a file named style-ie9.css to your skin and then add IncludeIE9="true"
        IE9CssFile="style-ie9.css" to the portal:IEStyleIncludes control in your layout.master. Add your IE9 fixes to the style-ie9.css file.

Joe D.

12/12/2013 11:24:01 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: IE9 Artisteer Header Issue

Thanks Joe, I'll give this a shot and report back my results (hopefully by the end of the day).


12/12/2013 11:24:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: IE9 Artisteer Header Issue

When I view your site using IE 11 set to IE 9 mode, I get a script error coming from the artisteer script.js, it gives an "access denied" message though I have no idea why. But that script failure is why part of the style is not applied such as centering the menu.

From viewing the source of your page you are NOT using the latest mojoPortal , you are using version and it does NOT appear that you are using the latest version of our exporter plugin for Artisteer because your skin has the jquery migrate plugin enabled and this was removed in the latest plugin because it is not needed for Artisteer 4.2.

Hope that helps,


12/12/2013 5:16:47 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: IE9 Artisteer Header Issue

Thanks Joe A.  I talked to my co-worker who setup the install and it turns out it wasn't the latest version.  We went ahead and updated that.  I also grabbed the latest export plugin.  Everything was good until I put my custom jquery theme back in place and then it blew up again.  So, i'm guessing there's a version issue with that?  

I have my jquery theme images in the theme "images" folder.  
I have a file labeled "jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom" in my theme folder.
I also have a line:  <file>jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css</file> in my styles.config folder. 

The line in my layout master reads: JQueryUIThemeName="custom-theme" UseIconsForAdminLinks="false" UseTextLinksForFeatureSettings="true" />

Did I miss anything, or do I need to go roll a new theme with theme roller to update everything?  



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