Upgrade to

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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12/5/2013 9:06:18 AM
Total Posts 77

Upgrade to

I have followed the setup procedure and overwritten all the files.

Now I am at the step "open/Setup/Default.aspx" but I am not sure as to how to do this.

Clicking on the file in FileZilla - just gets /Setup/Default.aspx downloaded to my local machine.
Clicking on the file in the File Manager of the Arvixe control panel does not seem to do anything.

However, the site seems to be running.
When I signed in, it took the site almost a minute to respond but the Administration>System Information page shows

How can I check that the upgrade is complete?
Are there any specific tests that I can perform to check that the upgrade worked?

(Other than laboriously testing every site option - that is!)


12/5/2013 9:32:50 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: Upgrade to

So I just pasted the url .../Setup/Default.aspx in my browser  and I see that the bottom part of this page says: 

       Database PlatformMSSQL
       Status Your installation is up to date.
However, the skins are still showing art41... - they have not been upgraded to art42...

Is this something I have to do manually?
And if so - what is the procedure?



12/5/2013 9:39:24 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Upgrade to

Hi Ken,

Yes, opening /Setup/Default.aspx must be done in a browser so if your site url was www.myverycoolsite.com, you would browse to www.myverycoolsite.com/setup/default.aspx and the setup would run. Considering you didn't do this until after you noticed in System Information that the site was at version, someone else probably browsed to your site and was redirected to the setup page which then ran the necessary upgrade scripts.

Regarding the skins: they are not upgraded automatically as this would overwrite any changes you may have made to them. The skins your site actually uses are located in \Data\Sites\[sitenum]\skins. The skins which come with the release are located in \Data\skins and then are "upgraded" or new ones appended when the files from the release are uploaded. If you want to use one of the new skins (e.g., Art42), copy them from \Data\skins\ to \Data\Sites\[sitenum]\skins\.

Joe D.

12/5/2013 12:28:03 PM
Total Posts 77

Re: Upgrade to

Hi Joe D.

I have now added the Art42 skins to my site.

So far I have just compared the *** wallpaper skin and I see that there are some differences.
The underlined parts of the five lines listed below are in art41-wallpaper but are not in art42-wallpaper.

Might this be something that I have "inadvertently" done in my newbie attempts to change the art41 skins or is there a deeper significance?




line 19: <portal:ScriptLoader ID="ScriptLoader1" runat="server" IncludeJQueryMigrate="true" />

line 33: <header class="art-header clearfix">

line 39: <h1 class="art-headline" data-left="13.11%"><portal:sitetitle id="SiteTitle" runat="server" includestandardclasses="false" cssclass="art-headline"></portal:sitetitle>

Line 41: <h2 class="art-slogan" data-left="17.19%"><portal:siteslogan id="ss1" runat="server"></portal:siteslogan>

Line 57: <div class="art-layout-wrapper clearfix">


12/5/2013 12:57:51 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Upgrade to

These skins are made with different versions of Artisteer that is why they have differences. 

12/5/2013 1:52:54 PM
Total Posts 77

Re: Upgrade to

Thanks Joe.

Looks like I still have a lot to learn about CSS!


12/5/2013 6:18:05 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Upgrade to

Hi Ken,

Seeing the questions regarding upgrading, I decided to write up a guide on the subject. The "Ultimate mojoPortal Upgrade Guide" should be a good place for anyone to learn about upgrading their mojoPortal site.

Joe D.

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