Some Page Title options

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12/3/2013 3:31:21 PM
Total Posts 2254

Some Page Title options

Hi Joe,

We often use the PageTitle control in many of our skins to automatically display the Page Title on the page. Usually, this works out well for us but we do run across scenarios when we need to have the page title, as shown on the page, to be different than the Page.Title (shown in menu) or the Page.Name (override shown in title bar or tab). What we have done in the past for this is use the html module added to the top pane with a special css class on the page. The css class hides the automatic page title and the html module includes the "custom" page title. This isn't ideal because the PageTitle control is usually wrapped in an H1 and hiding heading elements can cause search engines to penalize the site. So, would you consider the following?

  • Adding display settings for the PageTitle control which we can use in the layout.master or the to set a particular element and css class for the rendering of the Page Title. Currently the control renders just the Page.Title or the Page.Name depending on if the "Page Title Override" is populated. We would need to be able to have the element controlled by the PageTitle control for the next request to really solve our "issue."
  • Add a "Show Page Title" option to Page Settings which is defaulted to true and of course only does anything if the PageTitle control is on the page. When set to false, the PageTitle control will not render, thus solving our issue with the hidden H1.
  • Another possibility is to have a setting ("Page Heading" maybe?) for what to show on the page for the Page Title. The order of precedence here would be Page Title (Page.Title) is used in the menu, title bar/tab and PageTitle control if the "Page Title Override" (Page.Name) or the "Page Heading" isn't used. If the "Page Title Override" is set, the Page Title is used in the menu but not the titlebar/tab or the PageTitle control (this is the current functionality). If the "Page Heading" is set, the PageTitle control uses that but nothing else (titlebar/tab or menu) uses it.

I'm more than happy to make these changes and submit them to you but I wanted to run it past you first.

Hope all of that makes sense. Your thoughts?

Joe D.

12/4/2013 10:34:52 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Some Page Title options

Hi Joe,

As far as I know you are the only one using that control. Its original purpose was for use inside <title> but in .NET 2 or so they made it possible to just set Page.Title so it was no longer needed.

Your use of it for other purposes is certainly legit but I'm not wild about adding a "show page title" page setting for something that does not even exist in any of the skins we ship.

I would certainly accept patches to the control itself to support specific elements, themeable properties and even url filtering for rendering to make it possible to leave out rendering for specific urls.

I would also consider the page heading request and will log that but it may be a while before I get to it. Any new page settings will require about 4-6 hours work to implement the setting and all the data layers. Often when I get ideas for new settings I would log them and then when there are a few of them for the same table do them all at once because its about the same amount of work for multiple new settings vs 1 new setting.



12/4/2013 10:48:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Some Page Title options

I suppose that when we do add the page heading then we could add the Show Title option at the same time and both of those settings could be hidden if the PageTitle control does not exist in layout.master.



12/4/2013 10:58:26 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Some Page Title options

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your input on it and getting these things on the to-do list. I'll get started on the modifications to the control.

I think you're probably right that i7MEDIA is probably one of the only groups using the PageTitle control the way we do. Point of order though, we are the only ones doing a lot of things the way we do, that's why our designs, skins and mojoPortal support in general are so great!!!! :-)

Joe D.

12/4/2013 11:12:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Some Page Title options

True indeed! You guys do great work! 

12/18/2013 11:10:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Some Page Title options

fyi, these new settings are now implemented in our source code repository

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