301 Redirect Manager variabled do not redirect

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11/26/2013 1:46:34 PM
Total Posts 199

301 Redirect Manager variabled do not redirect

in google the old site had this: http://www.domain.com/Wastewater/Default.asp?ProdID=GeneralWastewater

I needed it to redirect to : http://www.domain.com/wastewater-treatment-systems

I used the redirect manager to handle the redirect and it seems that the redirect manager cannot handle a redirect with a "?" and variables.

am I missing something or is this by design?

11/26/2013 2:34:09 PM
Total Posts 2241

Re: 301 Redirect Manager variabled do not redirect


Your best bet for redirects like this is to use the URL Rewriter module for IIS.

Joe D.

11/27/2013 6:23:01 AM
Total Posts 199

Re: 301 Redirect Manager variabled do not redirect

thanks joe,

I will look into the URL REWRITER, but I was hoping MOJO could handle it somehow.

currently when going to that url because it is an old .asp page I get a IIS error and I wanted to know if I could customize MOJO to produce a page to catch all incorrect .asp/not found pages and show a friendly error and code that permanent NOFOLLOW?

thanks for the help and ideas they are appreciated.

11/27/2013 11:04:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 301 Redirect Manager variabled do not redirect


There is a setting you could add to user.config:

<add key="IncludeParametersIn301RedirectLookup" value="true"/>

However, my advice is don't add this and use IIS url rewriter instead as Joe D suggested.

If you add this setting it will do a second database lookup for the url with the parameters so it is an extra hit to the db on every request that I would rather avoid myself if  I could but it is your own decision. It isn't that expensive but every little bit adds up and I prefer to keep things as light as possible.

Hope that helps,


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