Popup do not work?

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11/15/2013 4:19:53 AM
Total Posts 83

Popup do not work?


We have just upgraded to version : MySQL of MojoPortal

Popup menys is not working properly, when clicking on a ? mark a popup will be shown but its only 300x150 px and there is now way to close it? The only why to close it is to reload the page.

This is also true for the contect form (show messages).



11/15/2013 4:27:52 AM
Total Posts 83

Re: Popup do not work?

I can now see that the following file is not found when loading the site : http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.2/themes/Smoothness/jquery-ui.css

Could this be the problem? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

11/15/2013 11:45:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Popup do not work?

yes, thats the problem.

In the layout.master file of your skin you have something like this:

<portal:StyleSheetCombiner ...JQueryUIThemeName="Smoothness" />

but it is case sensitive and it needs to be:

<portal:StyleSheetCombiner ...JQueryUIThemeName="smoothness" />

Hope that helps,


11/18/2013 4:03:30 AM
Total Posts 83

Re: Popup do not work?

That did solve the missing file but the problem still exists.

For example, go to Administrator panel en click on a question mark, this will animate a panel with some text. In this case it looks strange and in the start of the animation it looks like the close button is running away off the screen : 


I have restarted the server after the change.

Do you got any clue on this problem?



11/18/2013 7:20:31 AM
Total Posts 2241

Re: Popup do not work?


It appears to me that you have some CSS issues. Have you checked the Important Skin Changes article to make sure you have made any changes to your skin required since your previous version of mojoPortal?

If you have done that, you'll have to use FireBug in Firefox or the dev tools of another browser to troubleshoot your site's CSS.

Joe D.

11/21/2013 4:00:07 AM
Total Posts 83

Re: Popup do not work?


Here is my skin, its based on a already existing skin (dont know what skin) : https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=DE992A2C8B8C2EC9!2339&authkey=!AP_sV1oLAL2Sfo0&ithint=file%2c.zip

What skin do you think I could compare with?


11/29/2013 5:32:05 AM
Total Posts 83

Re: Popup do not work?

Any one got time to help me find the problem?

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