Sports Tipster Competition

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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11/9/2013 3:39:42 AM
Total Posts 19

Sports Tipster Competition

Hi Joe,

Firstly I would like to thank you for creating such an awesome CMS and I am so glad you have stuck with using normal C# and .NET Web Controls for extending, rather than implementing a whole new framework/language that I have to learn to do anything!!

I have been using Mojo for a while and have recently moved over to the MySQL version as M$ licensing costs/models are getting ridiculous and it works perfectly too! My site doesn't have all the content moved over yet, but the new version of the competition code is there and is testament to how easy it is to extend Mojo portal with custom panels.





11/15/2013 12:16:32 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the testimonial, glad to hear it!

Just looking at your site I would not have guessed it was using mojoPortal but I can see it is when I view the source.



11/15/2013 12:30:42 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Hi Joe,

Thanks for taking a look, a lot of the work went into the betting interface and admin interface which you wont see without being registered or admin.  I kinda avoided the usual .NET controls in that area and streamed all the markup from httphandlers and use JQuery AJAX/JSON so everything loads cleanly and smoothly.

That reminds me, I don't think I have plugged Mojo anywhere on the site, I will make sure I do this weekend (prob in the footer) as your awesome work/project should be supported and recommended.

One thing you might be interested in is I have successfully integrated NHibernate for most of the DB stuff in my project and managed to get it all plugged in using modules so I don't keep overwriting your global.asax. Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope to be good enough sometime in the future to help out in the Mojo community.



11/15/2013 12:49:25 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Hey Matt,

Thanks for the beers! Much appreciated.

I don't have any plans to use NHibernate myself but if you'd ever be interested in authoring an article in our documentation to help devs who want to use it in their custom modules let me know, I'd be glad to setup a page for you to edit.



11/15/2013 1:13:48 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Hi Joe,

I totally understand you would not want to use it, and to be honest, I started the project promising myself I would use it for everything, regardless, to force me to use it....  however, it's a horses for courses thing and it's is awesome for certain things, normally simple things... as I prefer to use the LINQ or if I really have to the QueryOver, but not the HQL syntax.  Therefore some of the really deep joined queried I just used good old SP's/Views and ADO :-)

I think with a project the size of the Mojo, if you want to be consistent and have awesome performance pure SQL is your only option.  I think a lot of people overlook using a combination of things, a bit like, why would you use httphandlers with pure markup in .NET webforms :-) I guess whatever does the job the best you use, it's never black or white.

If I get the time to do a write up it won't be for a while as my site still needs loads of contents, but I am sure it would be useful as once it's all setup as a module, it just needs an entry in web.config and then will run once at app start (I know you can't do this with modules but their is a code trick) and then you get a session open/close (lightweight) per request and you can either use a global.asax variable which obv breaks my idea or write the NH session to a ASP session value works fine too.



11/15/2013 2:58:53 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Added a footer supporting Mojo.

Keep up the good work!

11/15/2013 3:01:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Sports Tipster Competition

Thanks! Not required but always appreciated!

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