How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

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11/5/2013 1:19:29 PM
Total Posts 6

How can I make the flag "Reduce images size for web" always be switched off?


I'm always forget to remove the flag "Reduce images size for web". How can it be always switched off?



11/5/2013 1:25:46 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

Also an issue. I uploaded image with not good reducing to 550px. I deleted the file using mojo file browser. I uploaded new image with the same file name (the name of just deleted image). Uploading was very quick and then I saw that mojo restored the deleted image, new image was not uploaded.  

11/5/2013 1:40:00 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

It seems that images are reduced in size even if I switched off the flag "Reduce images size for web". Please, help me...

11/5/2013 1:45:10 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

I uploaded images via ftp... for information the size in Kb of the resized images was twice larger than original files with HD-quality. Very strange optimization...

11/5/2013 1:59:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?


If you want to make the checkbox not checked by default then add this in user.config:

<add key="ResizeEditorUploadedImages" value="false" />

If you are uploading images that are optimized then you should uncheck the resize option.

Our resizing logic doesn't have special "optimization", it just sets the pixel size, but in general it is useful because most users do not have technical background and they upload full size images from their mega mega pixel camera and this does help get the image to something useable in a web page. Before we had the re-sizing I would see web sites with huge multi megabyte images that make the page load slow but the user resized it with html width and height on the img element. So it is a big improvement over raw images the user may upload.

You can also set the default resizing parameters:

<add key="ResizeImageDefaultMaxWidth" value="550" />
    <add key="ResizeImageDefaultMaxHeight" value="550" />

But again, anyone who is smart enough to optimize the image before uploading should just uncheck the box to prevent resizing.

Hope that helps,


11/6/2013 9:10:30 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

Joe, thank you for your answer. I added settings to user.config. Now the flag is always off. However the images are reduced in size if the flag is off. I think there is a bug with this option.


11/6/2013 10:55:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?


I confirm it is a bug, it does seem to be resizing when images are uploaded from the editor even when the checkbox is not checked.

I'm looking into this now and will fix it for the next release of mojoPortal.



11/6/2013 3:55:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How can flag "Reduce images size for web" make always switched off?

This is now fixed in our source code repository so it will be fixed in the next release.



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