& in folder name

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10/29/2013 4:09:32 AM
Total Posts 167

& in folder name

One of my clients was creating a new folder on the server for images and documents and named it "t&cs_2014".

so when referencing links with in this folder there is an obvious issue that "&" conflicts with a valid url name. Is there a way of restricting this character is setting up folder names.

10/29/2013 12:47:33 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: & in folder name

I don't think there is a configuration setting anywhere to allow preventing characters in names. I will second that prevention of the ampersand character in file and folder names should be added. Not that this would prevent one from creating a folder or file with an ampersand and then uploading it to the site via FTP or some other means that isn't through mojoPortal.

Joe D.

10/29/2013 3:53:25 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: & in folder name

We have cleanup methods for folders and file names, I've added logic to remove ampersand to those methods which should prevent that. So this change will be in the next release. 



10/31/2013 11:17:23 AM
Total Posts 167

Re: & in folder name

Superb, Many thanks Joe

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