can change edit page to black colour?

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10/24/2013 5:23:56 AM
Total Posts 47

can change edit page to black colour?

Hi there?

Can change the edit page to black colour?

because I set  the wording in white colour, so when I edit cannot to see.

Any solution?



10/24/2013 6:38:07 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Yes, add

body.wysiwygeditor { background-color: #000; }

to your style.css file and then reset the skin guid by going to Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool and then click the "Reset Skin Version GUID" button.

Joe D.

10/24/2013 10:15:17 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

I already add  body.wysiwygeditor { background-color: #000; } in style.css file,

but on Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool, No the Reset Skin Version GUID button,

just have the button " Disable CSS Caching ". Any setting I miss it?

Thank you.

10/24/2013 10:30:42 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?


No, it just means you have an old version of mojoPortal. You should upgrade.

You can do the following if you can't upgrade:

  1. Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Skin Management
  2. Click the "Manage" link next to your skin.
  3. Type a new skin name (e.g. skinname-v2) in the "Copy As" box and then click the "Copy As" button.
  4. Administration > Site Settings
  5. Set your site to use the new skin

Also, you'll want to add color: #fff; to the CSS I gave you before.

Joe D.

10/24/2013 11:12:16 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

Can work now, thank you so much for your help.

Thank you.

3/25/2014 3:16:00 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi there,

After change edit page to balck colour and wording in white colour,

I face another problem, when click help icon, the wording in white background also white, cannot see it

Any solution?

Thanks you.

3/25/2014 11:19:00 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Sounds to me like you didn't put the color: #fff; in the body.wysiwygeditor selector. Looking at the CSS for your site I am seeing a coupleissues:

  1. You have background-color: blanck; in the body selector.
  2. You have color: #fff; in the body selector.

You should remove those and put the following in your css:

body.wysiwygeditor {
     background-color: #000;
     color: #fff;

Joe D.

3/25/2014 10:37:46 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

Thanks your help, after follow you setting, when click the help icon wording in balck can see it,

but my every page wording also in black, cannot see it,

Any setting I miss it?

Thank you.

3/25/2014 11:50:52 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

I doesn't sound like you used the selector I gave you (body.wysiwygeditor). Can you share a link to the site?

Joe D.

3/26/2014 12:35:28 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

I had follow you gave, my CSS like below:

  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 0;
  background-image: url('images/page_sg.gif');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-position:center top;


body.wysiwygeditor {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;

Thank you.

3/26/2014 7:52:54 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

I need a link to the site to help further.
3/26/2014 8:57:09 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

This is the link:, I temporary change back to skin wording in white,


3/27/2014 9:02:32 PM
Total Posts 47

Re: can change edit page to black colour?

Hi Joe,

Any solution? or have any step can change the background to black colour?

Thank you.

3/28/2014 7:24:35 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: can change edit page to black colour?


If you are using exactly what I gave you it should work. I suggest you add this back to your skin, reset the skin version guid and then if the problem exists use the browser developer tools to determine what is causing the text of the site to change colors. If you can leave the CSS in place I can troubleshoot it further. Without it in place, I can't see why it is causing all of the text of the site to change color.

Joe D.

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